Curriculums : หลักสูตรดุษฎีบัณฑิตสาขาวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์นาโนฯ

 รายละเอียดหลักสูตรปรัชญาดุษฎีบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาวิทยาศาสตร์นาโนและเทคโนโลยีนาโน


Chiang Mai University was founded in 1964 and was the first institution of higher education in the north and the first provincial
universityof Thailand as a center for academic and occupational knowledge in order to benefit the region and the country
as a whole. 

Ph.D. Program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (International/Interdisciplinary Program) 

is an interdisciplinary program administered by Materials Science Research Center (MSRC), Faculty of Science. 
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology is a broad field of research encompassing diverse disciplines including chemistry, biochemistry,
materials science, physics, pharmacy, medicine, computer and electrical engineering, biomedical engineering, agro-industry,
and environmental sciences.  At CMU, faculty members from various backgrounds and research interests in various aspects of
nanoscience and nanotechnology. This Ph.D. program provides opportunity for students to gain knowledge and skills through 
interdisciplinary collaborations.

Our Mission
      Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Doctoral program at CMU is a multidisciplinary program providing
a platform to students to work in broad area of nanoscience and nanomaterials disciplines. 
     We aim to facilitate interaction among scientists across the disciplines toward the discovery beyond the traditional 
     In this program, Ph.D. students are educated through research projects in broad disciplines and academic 
activities. Coursework is not required but students have freedom to participate in courses that are relevant to their 
research projects. 
The students will have opportunity to 
• Gain an understanding of emerging nanotechnologies and the applications of nanomaterials
• Build experience in experimental design, scientific data analysis, research practice and effective collaboration
• Develop knowledge in nanosciences and material sciences as the relevance to biotechnology 
Current research areas within nanoscience and nanotechnology at CMU include:
I) Synthesis and characterization of nanostructured materials/nanocomposites 
II) Nanomaterials in biomedical applications
III) Fabrication of nanosensors/nanodevices and their applications
IV) Nanomaterials and their applications in energy and environment
Degree Requirements:
• Qualifying examination to evaluate his/her ability before presenting a thesis proposal
• Participation in the nanoscience and nanotechnology graduate  seminar series
• Oral presentation on the topic related to his/her thesis at the international conference(s)
• Publications and/or patents (2 publications for 3 year program and three publications for 4 year program)
Tuition Fee : 35,000 BAHT per semester
Financial support/scholarships are available. 
Curriculum Plans:
Doctoral Program in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (International Program) 
• 3-year doctoral degree (Student with Master’s degree)  : 48 credits
• 4-year doctoral degree (Student with Bachelor’s degree)  : 72 credits
• Financial support/scholarships are available
Nanoscience Brochure     
Faculty Profiles

Contact information
Tel. +66 53941918
Email :
Address : 239 Huay Kaew Road, Suthep Mueang, Chiang Mai 50200 
Announcement/ Guidelines

Qualifying Exam (QE) and Proposal Examination

1. Guideline for QE and Proposal Exam 

2. Document 1 - Qualification of QE committee

3. Document 2 - Form of QE report

4. Document 3 - Request form for proposal exam

5. Document 4 - Form of Proposal Exam Report

6. Document 5 - Approval Form for Thesis Proposal Topic

7. Document 6 - Intellectual Property Form


Doctoral Thesis

1. Guideline for Dissertation Exam

2. Document 1 - Qualification of thesis committee

3. Document 2 - Request Form for Thesis Examination



Contact Us
Materials Science Research Center : MSRC, Faculty of Science, Chiang Mai University
239 Huaykaew Road, Tumbol Suthep Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai 50200
Phone. +6653-941915
โทรสาร. +6653-941915
Facebook: msrc.scicmu